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Bring Insights to Life

An Empowering Data Initiative

Hailed by companies as a groundbreaking initiative, DataView Signature Guest History Analysis is designed specifically for hoteliers. This foundational study serves as a guiding light to support your strategic planning and marketing efforts. Refresh your short and long-term strategies and drive new momentum and revenue.


Illuminate your
marketing strategy

Take a Deep Dive into your Data

  • Historical geographic and demographic trends broken down by market segment, seasonality, room type, and much more.

  • ​Repeat Guest visitation, including guest tiering.​

  • ​Individual property analysis and property cross-over analysis for multi-property scenarios.​

  • Clean data delivers a plethora of insight that will transform your planning approach.

DataView Workshop

Bring your team together for an interactive data presentation to explore key insights and discuss potential applications of your findings (remote & onsite options)

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"Having had the pleasure of working with the HMA° team in the hotel industry before joining the Yosemite Mariposa Tourism Bureau, I knew firsthand how their data analytics services could help us decode our destination data. HMA°'s strong commitment to data privacy and confidentiality allowed us to secure buy-in from destination partners, enabling us to consolidate our data resources for a more accurate and insightful seasonal visitor analysis. Their live presentations of findings shared with tourism community consistently reveal new trends and visitor profiles, serving as a guiding light for the marketing decision-making process we accomplish for the community we serve."

 Jonathan Farrington, CEO/Executive Director 

Yosemite Mariposa County Tourism Bureau

Ideally Suited for Hotels & Destination Tourism Organizations

Valet at your service

Daily alerts of your VIP arrivals

Customize profiles & amenities.

Valet includes daily automated arrival notifications sent via email to property-level staff so they can coordinate and deliver a personal touch. Access the program via a safe and secure browser login for authorized individuals.

Create an array of amenity selections your team can work with that showcase your property and destination by season. Establish and view your amenities by guest tier level.


Lifecycle Campaigns


User login

Booking Recovery



Email Campaigns





About us


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Intuitive dashboard

View arrivals and print guest arrival reports for your team. Open and view guest profiles. Select and verify amenity deliveries.

Leveraging Intelligencia’s customizable VIP algorythm, Valet identifies guests who often fall off the radar. We begin by providing useful guidelines to open a valuable team dialog to help you define your VIP tiers, followed by implementation of a customized data algorithm that runs moving forward.

VIP Identification

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Available as entry to the Intelligencia marketing platform or as a standalone customer analysis initiative.

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Build guest loyalty and brand affinity

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DataView Interactive

With optional access to the Intelligencia portal, leverage the power of your new data foundation to explore your data in a myriad of different ways working with Dataview Interactive Report module.

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