There’s a cliché that Californians are always searching for the next wave, be it ocean- or technology-driven. Some clichés have a nugget of truth. At HMA, located in the Golden State on the Monterey Peninsula, we’ve been riding tech waves for decades.
We started life in 1984 as a data management company with a focus on data intelligence and direct mail. Soon after, we recognized abundant opportunities in the burgeoning digital space and began developing email solutions to help our clients stay out front in a marketing environment that was rapidly becoming driven by technology.
Over the past decade, our technical and creative development teams have grown exponentially, providing us with continued opportunities to evolve our data and design solutions and help our clients tell their stories in more engaging and effective ways.
But there’s one story we’ve neglected over the years—our own.
A common refrain we hear when talking about our services to clients we’ve worked with for years is, “I didn’t know HMA could do that!” It became clear our brand needed a major refresh.
Over the past few months, we took a deep dive into our brand. We asked ourselves: Who are we? What do we do? And why do we do it? The answers formed the foundation for our new brand, which we’re thrilled to reveal today. In addition to updating our voice and visual approach, which you’ll see by taking a tour around our new site, we changed our name to what everyone’s called us for decades. Hospitality Marketing Associates is now, simply, HMA.
We practice intelligent marketing.
Our brand reflects what drives us at the core of our business. We exist to simplify the complex, whether we’re providing business intelligence to our clients, segmenting customers for a targeted email campaign or designing a beautiful new brand to share with the world.
What about the degree symbol?
The degree symbol in our logo represents the knowledge, precision and insight we gain from data. It’s a simple way to express having a big-picture, 360° view. Plus, it looks great in a tattoo.